Robert E. West

My name is Robert West, but my friends call me Trey. I'm currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Virginia (UVA), but I'm looking to move away from academia. While at UVA, I've studied computer architecture from a thermal perspective by working on HotSpot, a pre-RTL thermal simulator. I'm passionate about computer engineering in general, and about software engineering and algorithms in particular. I find the complexity of modern computers fascinating, especially because we can harness that complexity to solve hard problems.

I've spent most of my time at UVA developing HotSpot, but I've also worked on some interesting projects in my free time. Furthermore, I've been a graduate TA for both Computer Engineering and Data Structures and Algorithms courses at UVA. I'm particularly proud of my work in the second course because I got to be a TA during the very first semester that UVA offered it (Spring 2020) and received an outstanding TA award from the Computer Science department for my work!

In my free time, I love to read fantasy novels. Some of my favorites include The Mistborn® Saga and The Stormmlight Archive® by Brandon Sanderson, The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, and the Gentleman Bastard Series by Scott Lynch.